
ESBO title

ESBO is a simulation tool for building design optimization based on EQUA’s building performance software IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA ICE).

ESBO allows you to experiment with different building designs and equipment in order to predict the consequences on energy use and comfort. Room-level and central HVAC systems may be evaluated, as well as glazing, shading and construction materials - all without the need of creating a complete geometric model of the building.



 Types of studies possible with ESBO

leafEnergy | Whole year energy use.
leafCooling | Cooling design (or summer overheating) according to the ASHRAE heat balance method.
leafHeating | Heating design (winter heat load) according to the ASHRAE heat balance method.
leafDaylight | Detailed ray tracing daylight calculation with Radiance™.
leafGlazing properties  | Glazing and shading properties according to EN ISO 52022-3, EN 410 and ISO 15099.


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ESBO key facts

 leafEnergy and comfort studies  | leafStudy one room or a whole building  | leafCompare different heating, cooling and ventilation systems  | leafCompare different glazing, shading and construction materials  | leafEasy to use



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