
Road tunnels

IDA RTV handles air flows in road tunnels and related problem of pollution concentration due to emission from vehicles.

The user enters a geometrical description of the tunnel, i.e. height coordinates and cross‐sectional areas along the length of each tunnel branch. Other input data cover ambient conditions (including portal wind pressure), traffic inflow, emission characteristics and coefficients of drag and friction. PIARC and similar emission tables are also included. Tables can be linearly combined and scaled with suitable age, weight and other factors.




Ventilation may be longitudinal or transversal, with airsupply and exhaust terminal devices distributed along thetunnel. For momentum jet fans the user specifies crosssectionalarea, efficiency and air velocity.


Mapping sections and platforms


Three road traffic models are available: standing, moving and dynamic. The dynamic traffic model is able to predict many of the phenomena associated with real traffic such as congestion, multi‐lane traffic, vehicle and slope dependent maximum speeds.



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